Ursula Scherrer:Ausweg
Ursula Scherrer writes on the occasion of BANG BANG about the performance «Ausweg» BY Birgit Kempker and Anatol Atonal on Saturday, 13.08.2022 at Museum Tinguely Basel.
balloonsa torn piece of paper on the floorMut / courage is written on itan elephant pouring water a kind of altar I am thinking of Ganesha an alchemical table cutlery and elephantsand a dragona child is helping it gave me a piece of paper and a crayon tools a big pink elephant and a green elephant standing brain to brain body to body spirit to spirit transmission let the people walk around mushroom rhizome a tiny blue elephant most important if you know it with your brain rings and rollerskates and bubble wrapand a little bellthe space in between sculptural experience a gap the process of the gap divided subjects vacuum and a doll and a wired thing breathing together exercises the elephant is the transitional objectlanguage and let it go3 6 9the key to the universesaid Nikolas Tesla floating a finger hat or is it a thimble? keep flowing blind spot and shadows a balloon on the ceiling unanticipated high above a lighter elephant a personal one an elephant on a tiny skateboard meaningful meaningsGedankenflucht translates into flight of ideaswe are all drawing an elephant having courage she redraws it lighteningescape of thoughts inhale exhale repeat don't get out of the anus when you dieexercise dying intake of informationa pink elephant can sometimes flyit will endon the way out I receive from the child a little card with a drawing of an elephantthe lightness of being